For over two decades, ASC has been utilising seismology methods, like geophysical imaging and waveform analysis, to assist various industries including geological storage, mining, energy and civil engineering. We value an open-minded approach and actively seek partnerships, opportunities and projects to incorporate technology from different fields, all guided by our collaborative research and open innovation policy.
ASC was created in 1997 by former research staff of Professor Paul Young's Applied Seismology Laboratory at Keele University.
ASC carries out the microseicmic, AE and ultrasonic monitoring of the Tunnel Sealing and Mine-by experiments at the URL in Manitoba (Canada), designed to study the spatial and temporal evolution of excavation damage zone under different stress conditions for the long term storage of nuclear waste
ASC developed ultrasonic monitoring tools and numerical simulation for the investigation of the excavation damaged zone around radiactive waste repositories in crystalline and argillaceous rock
ASC's THC, PAS, Cecchi, Milne, Darwin and Omori AE equipment commercially available.
Itasca international Inc. become a shareholder of ASC
ASC becomes fully owned by Itasca International Inc. and rebrands as Itasca Consulting Ltd (ICL). ICL forms part of Itasca-IMaGE along with Itasca offices in Calgary and Houston.
Following a management buyout, ASC continues as an independent consultancy, software and servicer provider focused on the monitoring and imaging of fracture and deformation processes in the natural and engineered environment
ASC partners with Elsys AG to supply a state-of-the-art range of hardware solutions for data acquisition in acoustic monitoring of material testing.