Underground CO2 storage

ASC provides the following services to the energy industry focused on monitoring the effectiveness of underground gas storage operations.

  • Site characterisation of existing active fractures within potential storage reservoirs
  • Design and optimisation of seismic monitoring arrays.
  • Real-time processing of microseismic data to provide feed-back of information to engineers on potential damage to reservoir bounds and cap rock that may affect its confining properties or can map injection paths in a treatment field. Assessment of reservoir integrity and containment effectiveness during injection.
  • Post-analysis of reservoir containment effectiveness.
  • Delineation of potential breakthrough and communication with active fault structures.
  • Fracture mapping to provide information on feasibility of target volumes for new development wells.
  • Correlation with predictive numerical models for feedback on future site development
  • Acquisition system-independent seismic processing software for automatic, real-time processing of induced seismicity.
  • Fully-featured microseismic training courses focussed on the principles behind the technology, processing algorithms and hands-on experience of using processing software.

Case study

Microseismic tools for monitoring of containment efficiency of CO2 geological storage

A collaborative project for the integration of hardware and software tools for effective MS monitoring of safe geological storage of CO2. 

The project examined the signature of a COplume surveyed
by active seismic shots and the use of surface and noise sources for monitoring changes in the position of the CO
post injection.

The interpretation of the changes observed from active
surveys were completed through the construction of forward
numerical models that realistically reproduced the effect of
changes in pore pressure, fracture development and CO
content on the transmission of acoustic waves. Click on the link to download a summary of the observations.

Underground geological storage applications


Other applications