The response of a material under different levels of stress is used to investigate its suitability for different engineering applications and model its response under realistic conditions. This applies to rock, but also to most solid materials. Passive and active acoustic monitoring provides a 4D image of the changes in the material during deformation tests, from elastic properties to the initiation and growth of cracks
Acoustic Emission and Ultrasonic survey monitoring provide essential input for numerical models, material characterisation and advanced studies of brittle and elastic materials
ASC provides a full integrated processing service from array design, through data acquisition, processing and reporting to advanced interpretations with dynamic numerical models to better understand the deformatioon process and the growth and activation fractures in materials. ASC’s advanced analysis of Acoustic Emission and Ultrasonic survey data yields high resolutino information on fracture initiation and growth, stress-strain relationship and temporal evolution of elastic properties under stress tests. ASC provides the following services for researchers and industry involved in material characterisation: